Is your child having trouble staying organized with schoolwork?

Many students struggle to plan what to do with their time and to keep their things organized. These organizational problems can make it hard to do well in school and make life at home stressful.

As part of a research study. your child can get no-cost behavioral treatment from specially trained therapists to get and stay organized without medications. This treatment has been shown to lead to lasting improvements in children's school performance and home behaviors.

If your child is in the 3rd. 4th. or 5th grade and has one main teacher, your child may be able to take part in this study. As part of this research study, your child will:

  • Meet with a specialist for a brief no-cost assessment of your child's organizational skills and behavior

  • Have two MRI scans to look at the brain (without radiation and without injections)

  • Receive no-cost 12-week individualized treatment at home by meeting online with a specialized organizational skills therapist.

A recurring study by NYU Langone Child Study Center


Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital Organizational Skills Workshop